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Reported An Incorrect VIN On Form 2290? Fix It Quickly & Easily With This Simple Hack!

Fix VIN Corrections on Form 2290

Follow this simple hack to fix an incorrect VIN report on HVUT Form 2290 easily.


All of us are guilty of doing them. 

Some are excused, and some are forgotten. 

But if you too are guilty of reporting an incorrect VIN, don’t be.

It’s reasonable. 

We’re all too busy focusing on getting the information together. And as a result, it’s plausible to report a vehicle identification number (VIN) incorrectly. 

The funny part is that the IRS is probably used to receiving incorrect VINs all the time.

That’s probably why we have the 2290 VIN Correction form, which is specifically meant for correcting VINs. 

So, today, let’s take a quick look at fixing an incorrect VIN report easily (without panicking). 

Incorrect VIN: How To Fix Your 2290 Reports

Fixing an incorrect VIN begins with fixing your filed 2290 return. 

While the “undo” button doesn’t exist in real-life scenarios, we can still “amend” the incorrect reports. 

What we essentially mean by this is that in order to fix an incorrect VIN, you’ll need to file a 2290 VIN Correction form. 

2290 VIN Correction isn’t exactly a new form, but it must be filed separately. 

The form’s purpose is to let the authorities at the IRS know that your previous filings report incorrect VIN(s). It also communicates that the fresh report with the corrected VINs must be considered for regulatory processes.

Before You File 2290 VIN Correction: Verify VINs With Free VIN Check 

Double-check your VINs with a free VIN lookup tool

This is a critical step in correcting or fixing your incorrect VIN reports. 

You can use any of the following free tools to check and verify the accuracy of your VINs. 

  • VIN Free Check:
  • VIN Check Info:
  • VIN Decoder from DrivingTests.Org:

Using multiple VIN Check resources will enable you to validate the accuracy of your VINs better.

Quick Tip: If you’re planning on buying a new truck, VIN checks from various sources will help you verify the vehicle details more accurately.

VIN Correction: Analyzing Error Probability 

Pay attention to the characters of the VIN. 

VIN is a combination of letters and numbers. 

Sometimes, the VIN that you have on record and the VIN that you might be searching for, could be accurate. 

However, errors happen when you enter incorrect characters. 

So, human errors cannot be ruled out.

This is more prominent for filers who enter the data manually.

Incorrect VIN reports are common if you’re manually entering the VINs in the forms, or if you’ve outsourced the form completion work to someone.

Either you or the outsourcing team could have reported the characters incorrectly.

It could be an honest mistake and can be easily fixed with a quick VIN verification.

On the other hand, if you’re handwriting your 2290 forms, look out for characters that can be easily mistaken for the other. 


  • ‘Q’ for ‘O’
  • ‘X’ for ‘N’ or ‘Y’ 
  • ‘P’ for ‘B’
  • ‘L’ for ‘I’ 


  • 3 for 8
  • 5 for 6
  • 8 for 6

eFiling 2290 VIN Correction: A Smart Approach To Address Incorrect VINs 

Given the number of inconsistencies that handwritten 2290 forms can create, it’s best to opt for electronic filing. 

With electronic forms, the ink is consistent throughout and the font is sharp and concise, which is perfect for comprehension. 

With EZ2290, you can not only eFile 2290 VIN Correction forms, but you can do it for FREE!

If you’ve previously filed with EZ2290, your VIN Corrections would be at no additional cost.

But that’s not all.

Consider the benefits of filing form 2290 with Ez2290:

  • eFile 2290 forms in 3 quick steps 
  • Import your 2290 vehicle data with Excel and save it on cloud storage. (No need to switch platforms.) 
  • Free 2290 VIN Corrections 
  • Free re-file for rejected returns 
  • Secure e-transmission 
  • Live tax support 
  • File hundreds of 2290 forms at once 
  • Automated tax calculations (so you stay focused on reporting)
  • Real-time TIN Matching  
  • Manage your HVUT filings from any device

Alternatively, you can opt for EZ2290’s Managed Services. 

Our team will manage your 2290 filings from start to finish

Explore Managed Services  | Sign Up Now & eFile Form 2290 Online

Fixing your VINs on 2290 forms can be a breeze with a dynamic eFiling platform like EZ2290.

eFile and manage your HVUT filings easily today.

Related Form 2290 Articles:

How To Pre-File Form 2290 In 5 Super Quick Steps?

Quick HVUT Compliance Guide For Trucking Businesses & Preparers

5 Quick Tips To Help You e-File Form 2290 VIN Correction Successfully

Form 2290 VIN Correction
Form 2290 VIN Correction
Form 2290 VIN Correction

Understand the significance of a vehicle identification number in HVUT e-Files and learn how to eFile Form 2290 VIN Correction accurately with 5 quick tips.

Businesses within the trucking industry understand the importance of Form 2290 VIN Corrections. If you’re not familiar with the term or if you’re new to HVUT taxes, understanding Form 2290 is really essential. 

To help you understand what a VIN Correction is, let me give you a quick background on a vehicle identification number, otherwise known as “VIN”.

Defining Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)

A vehicle identification number is assigned to every vehicle to identify it with a unique code. A vehicle identification code cannot be random. It has to follow a standardized sequence to denote the geographical origin area, the manufacturer’s details, and other vital vehicle information.

Role Of A VIN In HVUT Taxes

A vehicle identification number helps the IRS tax the current owner of the vehicle. Even if a vehicle has multiple owners, they all are severally required by law to file and pay their taxes with an exception to a few cases. 

For Form 2290, which essentially deals with Heavy Vehicle Usage Tax, any vehicle that weighs 55,000 pounds or more is taxed by the IRS according to its gross taxable weight and mileage utility. 

Now, owner-operators, truckers, fleet owners, trucking companies, and businesses within the trucking industry tend to operate with heavy vehicles that fall within the HVUT laws. 

So, they are required by law to file their 2290 forms and pay the HVUT tax every year. If you’re a fleet owner or a trucker, you too are required to report the vehicle identification number, vehicle weight, mileage utility, and other information in Form 2290 and submit it to the IRS.

What Is A 2290 VIN Correction?

A 2290 VIN Correction is a form, which must be filed by the vehicle owner or their assigned designee if the previously filed 2290 return has been rejected for reporting an incorrect VIN. A 2290 return can also be rejected if you miss reporting a VIN in Form 2290.

How Would The IRS Know That I Reported An Incorrect VIN? 

You see, a 2290 return, once submitted, will be meticulously reviewed by several checkpoints at the IRS office. The IRS has a record of all the vehicle identification numbers and their respective owners.

As soon as they receive your 2290 return, the IRS immediately scans the database to look for the VIN/Name combination you have entered in the form. 

It is essential to ensure that you report the vehicle identification number and the vehicle owner’s name accurately. This is one of the most crucial defining factors of HVUT taxes.

Why Would The IRS Reject A 2290 Return For An Incorrect VIN? 

Example scenario: Let’s assume that you have reported an incorrect VIN and you’ve submitted it to the IRS. Let’s also assume that the IRS did accept your incorrect VIN (they never miss an incorrect VIN FYI, but this is a hypothetical scenario. So, stay with me on this). 

And let’s assume that the VIN you have entered does not exist in the IRS database, then the IRS will conduct a thorough background check to confirm if the vehicle exists.

Upon research, if the IRS concludes that the VIN doesn’t belong to you; your return will be rejected. 

Now, let’s assume that the IRS accepts an incorrect VIN that you’ve reported. Let’s also assume that the reported VIN belongs to another taxpayer. You’re practically paying someone else’s taxes (when you should be paying yours). 

And let’s assume that this taxpayer happens to have a notorious non-compliance history, lo and behold, you have just scored the attention of the IRS and heavy penalties + serious consequences (think imprisonment). 

By trying to fabricate someone else’s VIN as yours; you have committed identity theft. And these unlawful practices are not tolerated by the IRS. 

So, for your own peace of mind, follow the simple and lawful procedures laid out by the IRS, and correct an incorrect VIN by filing Form 2290 VIN Correction.

Note: It is important to understand that the IRS is more focused on filers reporting the information accurately than on assessing penalties. Having said that, if the IRS does find inaccurate reports or false positives, be prepared to receive notices and be on their non-compliant taxpayer’s list.

When Do You File A 2290 VIN Correction?

When the IRS rejects your 2290 return citing an incorrect VIN or missing VIN, then you are required to file a 2290 VIN Correction for the previously filed form 2290 return. If you happen to realize that you have reported an incorrect VIN after you have received Schedule-1, you still have the scope to file a 2290 VIN Correction. 

By filing a VIN Correction, you are communicating to the IRS that there may have been a mistake in the previous reports. 

Do note that you’re filing VIN Correction for vehicles that are already listed in your Schedule-1. New vehicles (that are not listed in Schedule-1) must be reported with a new Form 2290. 

The following section will help you understand the right way to eFile Form 2290 VIN Correction and gives you some tips to prevent file rejections.

5 Quick Tips To E-File Form 2290 VIN Correction Accurately 

e-File Form 2290 VIN Correction – 5 Quick Tips To Boost Accuracy.

Tip 1: Select ‘VIN Correction’ 

As seen in the image below, mark the VIN Correction box to clarify that you are filing a 2290 VIN Correction. If you do not select this box, the IRS will treat this as a new file, which leads to duplicate reports. 

VIN Correction.png

Tip 2: Validate Your VINs

Before you enter the corrected VIN in the form, be sure to quickly run the VIN through any authorized VIN Check tool. This will help you validate the VIN and report the correct information in the form. It will also help you decide if you need to file a VIN Correction or a 2290 Amendment

  • Free VIN Check tools that help decode and validate your VINs 
  1. Vehicle History 
  2. VIN Check Free
  3. Check A VIN

Tip 3: Enter The Correct VIN 

As you can see from the Form 2290 excerpt below, you have to enter the correct vehicle identification number in the “VIN You Are Reporting” column and enter the category of the vehicle in the column on the right. Do not enter the VINs for vehicles that have already been reported correctly in Schedule-1.

Schedule 1 Of Form 2290
Schedule 1 of Form 2290

Tip 4: Enter The Correct EIN 

There must be no disparities in the EIN reported in your previous return and the 2290 VIN Correction. If you are a tax professional filing a VIN Correction on your client’s behalf, be sure to validate the EIN before you enter it in the VIN Correction form. Do note that you and your client will be held accountable if there are disparities in the EIN reported in a 2290 VIN Correction form.

Tip 5: Correct All Incorrect VINs At Once 

Before you submit your correct VINs, be sure to review your Schedule-1 and run all the VINs through a VIN Check tool to verify if the VINs are valid and report appropriately. If you see that one or more VINs need to be corrected, report all VIN corrections in a single Form 2290 VIN Correction and submit the form to the IRS. Avoid duplicate filings and reports.

e-File Form 2290 VIN Correction With EZ2290 

EZ2290 is an IRS-authorized e-File provider, enabling businesses with convenient HVUT e-Files and tax compliance. 

Apart from helping truckers and businesses with 2290 e-Files, we also provide tax compliance support to help you re-File your rejected returns at no additional cost. 

You can securely e-File a 2290 VIN Correction in 4 simple steps with EZ2290. 

Step 1: Create your free account. No credit cards are required. No hidden fees. 

Step 2: On your EZ2290 dashboard, select the filing period for which you’re filing a VIN Correction 

Step 3: Validate the information prior to reporting 

Step 4: Securely submit Form 2290 VIN Correction to the IRS 

You will be able to view a confirmation message once the e-file has been successfully submitted to the IRS.

Start Your HVUT Compliance Journey Today With EZ2290

eFile IRS Form 2290 with EZ2290 in 3 easy steps.

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Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) – Here’s Everything You Need To Know

Vehicle Identification Number
Vehicle Identification Number

Explore the purpose and uses of Vehicle Identification Number + tips to correct a previously reported incorrect VIN.

A vehicle identification number is a subject of keen interest to many. This is especially true for businesses and self-employed individuals within the transportation and trucking industries, where a vehicle influences the operational aspects of the business. 

A vehicle identification number to a vehicle is what a social security number is to a citizen of the country – it’s a means of identity. 

And today, we’re about to delve into the origin of vehicle identification number, its purpose, uses, and how it impacts certain tax files. 

Additionally, you will find some useful resources and tips to correct a vehicle identification number, which you may have reported incorrectly in your previous files. 

So, let’s get to the good stuff. 

 What Is Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)?

 A vehicle identification number is a unique identification code assigned by the vehicle manufacturer in a standard format as authorized by the Automobile Manufacturers Association. This unique identification code consists of letters and numbers, which must not be used by another vehicle. 

Origin Of The Vehicle Identification Number

Before the VIN was standardized by the Automobile Manufacturers Association, there was no one standard for vehicle identification. In fact, the first VIN was introduced in 1954 after the U.S. government requested the U.S car manufacturers and Automobile Manufacturers Association to create a standardized vehicle identification code for security purposes.

Prior to this, the states used motor numbers to identify and track vehicles. However, this method was not reliable as the motor number would change if the motor was replaced or destroyed, leaving no means to recognize the vehicle. 

From 1954 to 1980, all vehicle identification numbers contained between 11-17 characters. However, in 1981, all vehicle identification numbers were standardized to 17 characters, making it easy for the authorities and buyers to verify the history of the vehicle.

What Is The Purpose Of Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)?

A VIN was standardized and streamlined to help everyone acknowledge the unique identity and existence of a vehicle. Be it a car, truck, van, motorcycle, or bus, every vehicle’s unique identity is recorded, stored, identified, and verified for security purposes. 

From a federal perspective, a VIN helps with:

  • Identifying the manufacturer of a vehicle
  • Validating and imposing a tax on each vehicle in a country
  • Collecting the tax from the current vehicle owner(s)
  • Identifying vehicles that were involved in anti-national activities 
  • Tracing the individuals who owned a vehicle involved in suspicious/unlawful activities 
  • Identifying vehicles and vehicle owners who were involved in serious traffic violations 
  • Identifying vehicles and vehicle owners who were involved  in crime scenes 

How To Read A Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)?

Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)

A VIN can be read and interpret to understand the background of the vehicle.

First Character Of The VIN

The first character of the VIN can help you understand the geographical origin of the vehicle (the geographical location in which the vehicle was manufactured). The actual geographical area of the manufacturer may be different, but this is the primary location in which your vehicle was manufactured. 

Use the following table to understand the geographical origin of your vehicle.

  • A to H = Africa
  • J to R (except O and Q) = Asia
  • S to  Z = Europe
  • 1 to 5 = North America
  • 6 or 7 = New Zealand or Australia
  • 8 or 9 = South America

The Last 6 Characters

The last 6 characters of the VIN denote the serial number of the vehicle. These characters play a crucial role in making the VIN unique.

Similarly, each character holds a unique purpose to decode and interpret the origin of a vehicle. 

Luckily, we have vehicle history tracking tools like this, which help us view the complete history of the vehicle, right from the date of origin, manufacturer details, vehicle model, to NHTSA recalls and complaints. 

These details and reports help decode the background of the vehicle, allowing you to file more accurately. You can also Generate A Random VIN and conduct a VIN Check to see if the details match. Give it a try!

What Is Form 2290 VIN Correction?

Businesses within the transportation industry tend to own large fleets. It is essential for trucking businesses and owner-operator truckers to record and identify the vehicle identification numbers to file and pay HVUT taxes appropriately for the vehicles they own.

If filers report an incorrect VIN, the IRS requires them to correct the incorrect VIN previously reported, and file a 2290 VIN Correction to correct and report the VIN. 

For example, say that you are reporting HVUT taxes for 15 trucks with Form 2290. But the IRS rejects your files citing Incorrect VINs reported for some 5 vehicles, you must report the correct VINs by filing a 2290 VIN Correction. 

Alternatively, if, after submitting your 2290 forms, you may have realized that you have reported incorrect VINs for one or more vehicles, then you must wait until they get back to you, and then file a 2290 VIN Correction to report the correct VINs. 

Sending duplicate returns may work against you.

Tools & Tips To Correct Your VIN’s With 2290 VIN Correction  

Use the following tools and tips to correct your VINs and file your 2290 returns accurately. 

  • VIN Lookup/VIN Check 

VIN Lookup, or more commonly known as VIN Check, allows you to search and validate the VIN. You can search the VINs to get a little perspective about a vehicle. Apart from 2290 files, VIN Checks are also helpful when you’re about to make a new purchase.  

  • VIN Decoder 

Similar to VIN Lookup, VIN Decoding tools like this help you decode your vehicle identification number, allowing you to gather more information about your vehicles, such as their size, weight, measurements, mileage history, and much more. This information is crucial when filing your form 2290 VIN Corrections.  

  • VIN Audit

If you’re a fleet owner, you must know by now that the filing season is one of the most stressful times of the year. However, a VIN Audit provides comprehensive reports about your vehicles from a verified VIN Auditor.  This further helps reduce inaccurate reports, enabling you to achieve compliance.

When Should I File a VIN Correction?

The IRS may accept or reject your 2290 returns. If the IRS rejects your returns, it will also cite the issue with a deadline (before which you must correct and resubmit your returns). If not complied with, the IRS will exercise its power to impose penalties. 

If the IRS cites incorrect VINs and rejects your 2290 returns, it’s time for you to pay attention to your VINs and file with Form 2290 VIN Correction

It is important to understand that 2290 VIN Correction is not a separate form. However, it must be filed separately by electing the ‘VIN Correction’ option as seen in the figure below. 

HVUT Form 2290
HVUT Form 2290

Correcting your VINs may seem complicated if you do not have a tax professional by your side. This is why EZ2290 offers free VIN Correction services to EZ2290 users.

Free VIN Corrections For EZ2290 Users

With this free service, you can select a previous filing in which the VINs were reported incorrectly, and re-file with the corrected VINs in just a few minutes. 

Further, our tax team is available to provide you the necessary support to ensure the accuracy of reports and help you file the 2290 VIN Correction with the corrected VINs to the IRS. 

How Do I File a VIN Correction With EZ2290?

Follow the steps below to easily file a VIN correction with EZ2290.  

  • Step 1: Sign up here for free or log into your account 
  • Step 2:  Go to your EZ2290 dashboard, and select the IRS-rejected files 
  • Step 3: Elect ‘VIN Correction’ on the 2290 return, and furnish the required vehicle information
  • Step 4: Review and validate your corrected returns
  • Step 5: Submit to the IRS 

Once the IRS accepts your submission, you will receive the IRS-Stamped Schedule 1 instantly. This digital version of the Schedule 1 must be saved for documentation and authorization purposes. 

Something as simple and small as a vehicle identification number holds the power to get your 2290 returns accepted or rejected by the IRS. 

This is why; many tax advisors, tax specialists, and even the IRS encourage filers (businesses and self-employed individuals alike) to review their reports thoroughly before they file them.

IRS Now Accepting the Form 2290 for 2024-25

Get Stamped Schedule-1 in Minutes!

Wait! Don't Hit the Brakes on Filing Your 2290 Form!

Here are 5 reasons to eFile with EZ2290: